Who is Stand with us?
We are an alliance of 15 Queensland disability advocacy services.
Our alliance organisations include:
ADA Australia.
Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia (ADA Australia) is a not-for-profit, independent, community based advocacy and education service with 30 years’ experience in supporting and improving the well being of older people and people with disability in Queensland.
AMPARO Advocacy Inc.
AMPARO Advocacy is a non-profit community organisation which provides independent individual and systemic advocacy on behalf of vulnerable people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds with disability.
Capricorn Citizen Advocacy Inc.
Citizen Advocacy is focused on establishing and supporting one-to-one relationships between a person who has a disability, who is vulnerable and has unmet needs in important areas of their life, and an everyday citizen who is competent, resourceful and principled.
Gold Coast Disability Advocacy Inc.
Gold Coast Disability Advocacy Inc. are an independent, community based organistion providing Advocacy to people with disability.
Independent Advocacy in the Tropics.
Independent Advocacy in the Tropics Inc. ("IATI") including all registered Business Names, is a community organisation formed in 1989 then incorporated in 1991, to provide advocacy support for people with disability.
Ipswich Regional Advocacy Services Inc.
IRASI offers support to community members that are experiencing difficulties relating to a disability or a mental health concern. IRASI encourages participants to actively engage in the process and promote self-advocacy where appropriate.
Mackay Advocacy Inc.
Mackay Advocacy Inc. is a non-profit community based organisation that provides free and confidential individual advocacy to Mackay, Whitsunday and Hinterland areas.
People with Disabilities Australia Inc.
PWDA’s Individual and Group Advocacy Services are provided by Advocates who stand up for the rights of a person with disability and helps sort out their complaint, issue or problem. Our advocates take direction from the person with disability.
Queensland Advocacy Inc.
Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) is an independent, community-based systems and legal advocacy organisation for people with disability in Queensland. QAI’s mission is to promote, protect and defend, through advocacy, the fundamental needs and rights and lives of the most vulnerable people with disability in Queensland.
Queenslanders with Disability Network
Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) is a state-wide organisation of, for, and with people with disability. QDN’s work is centred around a strong network of people with disability across Queensland to inform, connect, lead and influence change to deliver an inclusive Queensland community.
Rights In Action Inc.
Rights In Action Incorporated (RIA) was formed in August 2001 to provide independent advocacy for people with disabilities in Cairns, Yarrabah, Atherton and Mareeba.
Speaking Up For You Inc.
SUFY is an independent social advocacy organisation for people with a disability in the greater Brisbane and Moreton Bay area including Redlands.
Since 1986 SUFY has advocated to protect and defend vulnerable people with disability.
Sunshine Coast Citizen Advocacy Inc.
Citizen Advocacy is a movement which seeks to promote, protect and defend the rights and interests of people who have intellectual disability.
The concept calls for the establishment and support of a one-to-one relationship between a person who has intellectual disability, who has unmet needs in one or more important life areas, and a resourceful and principled citizen, who is free from conflict of interest.
The Advocacy and Support Centre Inc.
TASC is a not-for-profit community legal and social justice organisation that has served the Queensland community since 1982.
TASC deliver free legal, advocacy and social services for people living in Toowoomba, Ipswich, Roma, and rural and regional communities in the Darling Downs and Maranoa regions and throughout South West Queensland.