We asked Queenslanders
“Why does disability advocacy matter?”
“We need independent advocates who can and will stand up for Queenslanders with disability when they need it.”
“Disability advocacy lends a voice to those who need it most - it is of fundamental importance to a democratic and fair society”
“Because I believe that It is important that disabled people have the same opportunities as non-disabled people.”

We asked Queenslanders to sign the pledge to show their support for Queensland disability advocacy services and call on the State Government to fund these vital services in this year’s State Budget.
“Queensland Advocacy Services play a crucial role in supporting people with disability in a range of areas that many mainstream services either do not have experience in or capacity to respond to. The role that they have in supporting people who are experiencing injustice or poor responses from formal services and systems, or people in their own lives and family members is essential, and it is vital that they are able to continue their irreplaceable role within the human services sector in QLD.”
“It should matter to everyone, we are people with needs and rights.”
“I live with a disability and strongly believe everyone who doesn't access NDIS deserves support and advocacy”
“Some people are unable to speak for themselves. If we claim to live in an advanced society, we MUST do everything we can to protect the most vulnerable citizens!”
“Without advocacy I couldn't navigate the myriad of issues people with disabilities are left behind on and dealing with the various departments paid to hinder rather than help us. My employment, housing, concessions, access to transport, NDIS and medical needs would not exist for me today without advocacy. I would probably have died poor and homeless from untreated medical conditions.”
“Advocacy helped me to start my journey towards a tertiary level education and live independently. Thanks to that start, I have achieved my tertiary level degree in social work and I have gone on to help others to achieve their goals and live meaningful lives too.”
“I have a 19 year old daughter with a complex disability. She has limited speech and has been diagnosed with II. She would definitely need someone to advocate on her behalf.”
“Without disability advocacy, I would still be disabled but with no access to any services. My disability doesn’t fall into one particular category although I have so many issues, I have been denied service from every agency. I have only just gained access to my own wheelchair even though I have struggled walking for more than seven years, and was bed bound for two. Without advocacy I’m sure there are so many others that fall through the system and are denied assistance because their disability doesn’t have a recognised name, or they are disabled because they have so many other issues that you cannot function. I am still struggling everyday to get help, if you take away my advocate, who will speak up for me when I can’t.”
“Over the last 40 years advocacy organisations have fought for access, schooling, work, housing and adequate support thus moving the agendas from segregated and congregated care to having a home of one's own with the ability to be included in the ordinary life of the community. However the job is not done. Many people still face discrimination and lack of opportunity and support and advocacy still needs to be a strong voice of their behalf. Despite the changes many people still remain extremely vulnerable. Funding must continue.”
“Please do not stop funding advocacy services. I really need this! I am scared what will happen to me if I cannot access free advocacy services. My life and safety will be put in danger again. I am always scared that I will be hurt and the advocacy services help me when I have problems. I don't have any family to rely on so it's important to me that advocacy remains accessible and funding increased because there are so many disabled people who need help and cannot get it. We want to be treated fairly and to live with dignity and we cannot do that if this service is taken from us or funding is cut.”
“There is a misconception that when people receive funding to support them that advocacy is no longer required. Funding doesn't provide justice or the opportunity to speak and be heard for many people with disabilities who experience vulnerability as a person receiving support, housing or other community support. It also doesn't prevent exploitation and abuse. Independent advocacy programs are the only way to protect the rights and equal opportunities for all people with disabilities.”